Your child's 20 baby teeth will begin to appear usually between six and nine months, though in some cases it may start as early as three months or as late as twelve months. The two lower front teeth tend to erupt first, followed by the two upper ones. The first molars come in next, followed by the canines (eyeteeth). Occasionally, your baby may experience teething discomfort during this process. If so, let us know and we will advise you as to the best course of action.
Your infant's gums and newly erupting teeth should be gently wiped after each feeding, with a water-soaked gauze pad or damp washcloth. Starting at age 2, when there are more teeth in the mouth, establish a daily brushing routine with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush, and no more than a thin smear of fluoridated toothpaste. Your child may need your help with this important task until around the age of 6. If your child is having difficulties with brushing their own teeth, try an electronic toothbrush. Children may find brushing with a powered toothbrush more exciting.
Your child won't keep his or her first teeth forever, but that doesn't mean those tiny pearly whites don't need conscientious care. Maintaining your child's dental health will provide health benefits well into adulthood, as primary (baby) teeth serve extremely important functions. For one thing, primary teeth serve as guides for the eruption of permanent (adult) teeth. The crowns (tops) of the permanent teeth actually push against the roots of the baby teeth, causing them to resorb, or melt away. In this way, the adult teeth can take their proper place.
For the first six years, he or she will be relying on primary teeth to bite, chew, and speak. Until around age 12, your child will have a mix of primary and permanent teeth. You will want to make sure those teeth stay healthy and are lost naturally — when it's time.