Oral Sedation | Oral sedation is a popular option for many people because it does not require the use of needles. Oral sedatives are either swallowed whole in pill form or can be dissolved under the tongue. Both methods work in a matter of minutes. A variety of oral sedative and anxiolytic (anxiety-dissolving) medications have been developed through extensive research to ensure you experience comfortable & relaxing dental treatment. Commonly prescribed medications include: Valium®, Halcion®, Sonata®, Ativan®, Vistaril®, and Versed®.
Inhalation Conscious Sedation | Nitrous oxide, a sedative you inhale, has been used in dental offices for nearly 100 years. It is an excellent pain reliever that can be used by itself or in conjunction with anti-anxiety medication. It is administered through a nasal hood, which resembles a small cup that is placed over your nose. The oxygen mixed with nitrous oxide provides a light-headed, or euphoric feeling. All bodily functions remain normal during the use of this sedative, which is very safe.